Combatting Mould in Your Home: Expert Tips from Daly’s #TheDalyDose

Posted by Ali Daly on 1st Dec 2023

Combatting Mould in Your Home: Expert Tips from Daly’s #TheDalyDose

#TheDalyDose Guide to Treating Mould at Home

Ah, mould—the problem we'd all like to forget but simply can't ignore. So now that the weather has changed to a bit of a drier but obviously colder snap. We've come out of a prolonged period of rain, and some of the queries that have come into the shop recently have all been about products for treating mould. For today's instalment of the #TheDalyDose blog, we're building upon the ideas discussed in one of our Instagram Reels videos a few weeks back, where we got down to the nitty-gritty of dealing with the unsexy issue that is mould. If you watched that video (link here and embedded below), you know mould is a problem that demands action, not negligence. With this comprehensive guide, you're well-equipped to tackle it head-on. From product selection to application techniques, we’ve got you covered. Mould's contribution to indoor and outdoor air pollution is linked to a staggering 7 million deaths per year, as reported by the World Health Organization in 2014. This fact resonates deeper in Ireland, where our moist climate intensifies the mould challenge, making it a widespread concern in many homes. This guide zeroes in on this prevalent Irish problem. Our goal is to furnish you with strategies and insights to effectively battle mould, enhancing the health and well-being of your living spaces. Join us in addressing this significant challenge as we strive to make our homes not only safer but also healthier.

Why Mould Treatment Matters

Health Risks

Firstly, mould isn't just an unpleasant sight; it poses serious health concerns. Mould spores are invisible to the naked eye but can have a significant impact on your well-being. They can aggravate allergies and lead to a range of respiratory issues, including asthma. Mould is recognised as a significant indoor pollutant. When mould sources are disturbed, they can release spores into the air, which could find their way into individuals' respiratory systems, potentially causing or exacerbating respiratory discomfort. Indoor mould is typically found in areas near moisture sources such as sinks, showers, toilets, water leaks from appliances, pipes, roofs, basements, and damp or humid areas of a home. If you've experienced respiratory discomfort at home, mould might be the culprit.

Structural Damage

Ignoring mould can also be detrimental to your home's structural integrity. Mould feeds on organic materials like wood and drywall, weakening these structures over time. If left untreated,  removing mould from a large room may come with a labour cost of €234 to €292.50, while removing mould from an entire house might cost around €819 to €1170. These costs are solely for mould removal and do not include addressing the source of moisture. It's not just your health at risk, but also your financial well-being.

Aesthetic Deterioration

Lastly, the visual aspect shouldn't be ignored. A mould-infested room detracts from the aesthetics of your home, and it's certainly not something you'd want guests to see. Now that we understand the multifaceted problems mould can cause let's move on to the solutions. Stay with us as we explore the products that can not only treat but also prevent mould, arming you for success in this domestic challenge.

A Comprehensive How-To Guide:

As the Irish weather takes on its characteristic dampness with the days growing shorter, and with the increasingly unpredictable patterns signaling a future of climate change uncertainties, many of us are confronted with a recurring challenge within our homes - mould. This issue is more than just a minor nuisance. Effectively tackling mould demands the right strategies and tools, as adeptly shown in Ali's practical how-to videos.

In this section, rather than duplicating what's already out there, we’ve chosen a different path. We've carefully selected a range of expert articles specifically focusing on mould and condensation challenges common in Ireland. Our goal? To empower you with a variety of expert insights and practical, step-by-step solutions for both tackling and preventing mould.

Think of this as your portal to a wealth of knowledge, guiding you to articles packed with detailed information and actionable advice. From current issues to preventative measures, these resources are key to maintaining a healthy, mould-free environment in your home.

Now, let’s dive into these expert resources and arm ourselves with the strategies needed to effectively address mould and condensation.

Exploring Effective Mould Treatment Strategies

  • Discover the Nuisance and Health Risks of Mould

To fully understand mould and its impact on both your home and health, I recommend reading the insightful article from Family Handyman. They cover the various ways mould can affect your home and health, providing a solid foundation for understanding why mould treatment is so crucial. Dive deeper into the nuances of mould and its risks by checking out Family Handyman's comprehensive guide on mould.

  • Protective Measures and Safe Removal Tips

For those ready to tackle mould removal, safety should be your first concern. The Family Handyman offers detailed guidance on the necessary precautions and protective gear, ensuring your mould removal efforts are safe and effective. Learn more about these essential safety steps at Family Handyman’s Mould Removal Guide.

  • Professional Assistance for Extensive Mould Issues

If you're dealing with a large-scale mould issue, it’s wise to consult professionals. Bob Vila's website provides excellent advice on when and how to seek professional mould remediation services. Their article can be a valuable resource for those facing significant mould challenges. For more information, visitBob Vila’s advice on professional mould remediation.

Learning About Condensation and Mould Prevention

  • Mastering Humidity Control and Ventilation

EnviroVent offers an extensive list of strategies to control indoor humidity and improve ventilation, key factors in preventing mould and condensation. Their practical tips are invaluable for maintaining a healthy home environment. Explore their full list of suggestions at EnviroVent’s Guide on Reducing Condensation.

  • Daily Practices to Keep Your Home Mould-Free

For actionable daily habits that can significantly reduce the risk of mould in your home, EnviroVent's article is a must-read. They provide easy-to-implement tips that can make a big difference in maintaining a mould-free home. Discover these daily practices at EnviroVent’s Tips on Preventing Mould.

Products You'll Need

Tetrion Mould and Mildew Remover: The First Responder

When it comes to mould, the first step is always eradication, and Tetrion Mould and Mildew Remover is the heavy artillery you need. We'll explore how this powerful cleaner goes beyond surface cleaning to attack mould at its root, ensuring a thorough and lasting clean.

How it Works

Tetrion Mould and Mildew Remover is far from your average household cleaner; consider it your go-to first responder for mould emergencies. This product is formulated with active ingredients that not only remove mould but also penetrate deep into the surface, annihilating mould spores at the root level. This eliminates the risk of regrowth and ensures a longer-lasting clean.

Application Method

Contrary to what you might think, wielding this mould-fighting weapon doesn't require a degree in biochemistry. The application is simple and user-friendly. Put on safety gloves, then spray Tetrion directly onto the affected area, thoroughly covering the mould spots. Let it work its magic for a few minutes as per the manufacturer's guidelines—usually around 10 to 15 minutes. Once the time is up, wipe it away with a clean cloth. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure you’re using the product safely and effectively. A quick glance at the safety data sheet (available on their website or in-store) can provide extra peace of mind.

Zinnser Bulls Eye 1-2-3: The Multi-Tasker

After tackling the mould head-on, the next step in your mould-combat strategy is to prepare and protect the surface. This is where Zinnser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 comes into play, a versatile product that primes, seals, and blocks stains. We'll delve into its unique water-based formula and how it provides the perfect foundation for any topcoat.

How it Works

Stepping up next in your mould-busting mission is Zinnser Bulls Eye 1-2-3. This isn’t just a primer; it’s a water-based primer, sealer, and stain blocker all rolled into one powerful product. Its unique formulation offers superb adhesion, meaning it sticks well to most surfaces without the need for sanding. Furthermore, it excels at stain-blocking, which is crucial when dealing with mould stains that often seep through regular paint. This triple-threat product sets an ideal foundation for any topcoat paint, ensuring that the subsequent layers adhere properly and look impeccable.

Application Method

Application is a cinch. You can use a brush, roller, or sprayer—choose whatever suits you best. The product is renowned for its one-coat coverage, but if you're dealing with a particularly stubborn area, a second coat can be applied. Once the task is done, cleaning is hassle-free—simply wash your tools with soap and water. Before starting, make sure to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid any pitfalls and to get the best results.

Rustins One Coat Damp Seal: The Final Fortress

To round off your mould treatment process, Rustins One Coat Damp Seal acts as the ultimate barrier against future mould growth. We'll discuss how its oil-based formula offers long-term protection, especially in high-humidity areas prone to mould, such as bathrooms and basements.

How it Works

Last in our line-up but certainly not a footnote is Rustins One Coat Damp Seal. This is the product you'll want to use for long-lasting protection against mould. What sets it apart? It's oil-based. In the paint and coatings world, oil-based means resilience. This product forms a robust, durable coat that effectively seals any damp or mould-prone areas, ensuring they stay mould-free for the long haul. It acts as a final fortress, creating a resilient barrier against moisture penetration. Oil-based sealants like Rustins are highly recommended for areas prone to high humidity, such as bathrooms or basements.

Application Method

Given its oil-based nature, Rustins One Coat Damp Seal does require a bit more attention to detail during application than its water-based counterparts. For starters, you'll need to use white spirit to clean your brushes post-application, as water and soap won't cut it. Before you begin, ensure the area is clean and dry. Use a brush to apply a generous coat, paying attention to corners and edges, as these are often the areas most susceptible to mould. While Rustins typically provides robust coverage with just a single coat, you might consider a second coat for particularly problematic areas.

Always allow adequate drying time between coats—this can vary depending on room conditions, so consult the manufacturer's guidelines for precise timing. The product's oil-based formulation offers a lasting solution, ensuring that once you've put in the effort to remove the mould, it won't be making an unwelcome comeback any time soon. By sealing the area with Rustins One Coat Damp Seal, you're effectively locking in all your hard work and establishing a mould-resistant fortress. It's the last but, arguably one of the most crucial steps in ensuring your home stays mould-free.

We're Here to Help: The Daly's Difference

Ignoring mould isn't an option, not when you consider the potential health hazards, structural damage, and aesthetic issues. Thankfully, you don't have to face this challenge unequipped. This guide, part of the #TheDalyDose series, arms you with the information you need to take decisive action against mould. From initial mould eradication using Tetrion Mould and Mildew Remover to setting up a lasting defence with Rustins One Coat Damp Seal, we've guided you through each step, demystifying the process and making it more approachable. You've got this, and if you don't, remember: Daly's Hardware is here to help.


As we delve deeper into the intricacies of mould treatment and prevention, it’s essential to address some of the common questions and concerns that homeowners might have. The following FAQs are designed to further enlighten you on various aspects of mould growth and remediation, backed by expert insights and studies. These questions not only expand on our comprehensive guide but also offer practical advice and tips to effectively manage and prevent mould in your home.

1. What Causes Mould to Grow in the First Place?

Mould is a fungus that thrives in moisture-rich environments. Factors like poor ventilation can trap humidity, creating the perfect breeding ground for mould. Leaky pipes or frequent rainfall, a common feature of Irish weather, exacerbate the problem. According to a study bystudy contrasts the representation of unhealthy housing in Denmark and England, pointing out that mould is often a result of under-heating due to fuel poverty in England. This suggests that adequate heating and insulation are crucial to preventing mould growth, and by extension, Mould or cold? Contrasting representations of unhealthy housing in Denmark and England and the relation to energy poverty poorly insulated homes are more susceptible to mould growth due to inadequate temperature regulation.

2. Are There Any Natural Alternatives to Mould Removers?

Yes, natural household items like vinegar and baking soda can be effective for treating mild mould issues. a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can be effective in treating mild to moderate mould issues on a variety of surfaces, including hard surfaces, soft surfaces, clothing, and fabrics 12345. The Irish Health and Safety Authority provides some guidelines for controlling indoor mould growth, emphasising good building design, good housekeeping, and maintenance of a clean and dry environment for mould control10. Always remember to test any substance on a small hidden area before broad application to ensure it won't damage the surface.

3. What Precautions Should I Take While Using Mould-Removing Products?

Safety first. Read the manufacturer’s guidelines thoroughly before application. You'll often need to don gloves and protective eyewear, and work in a well-ventilated area. Pregnant women and individuals with respiratory issues should consult a healthcare provider before using chemical-based mould removers.

4. Can I Paint Over Mould?

Experts caution against painting directly over mould as it does not address the root cause of the mould growth. Even if the mould appears to be covered, its spores could still be alive beneath the paint, which can lead to further structural and health issues over time1. It's crucial to identify and address the cause of mould growth rather than merely covering it up with paint. Mould is a living organism, and without treating the cause, it's likely to reappear3. An expert from the UK emphasised the importance of treating mould properly rather than painting over it, as thick black mould can be highly detrimental to health4. Experts against painting over mould and damp, stressing that there are better ways to deal with mould to prevent it from reoccurring5.

4. Is Tetrion Mould and Mildew Remover Pet-Friendly?

Tetrion Mould and Mildew Remover is highly effective, but caution is advised if you have pets. It's not labelled as pet-friendly, and it's advisable to keep pets away from the treated area until it's dried and well-ventilated. If you're concerned, consult your local vet for specific advice.

6. How Long Should I Let Zinnser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Dry Before Applying the Topcoat?

The drying time for Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 before applying a topcoat is specified by the manufacturer to be a minimum of one hour, but this can vary based on ambient conditions like temperature and humidity. The product dries to the touch in 30 minutes and can be recoated in 1 hour under normal temperatures, although lower temperatures, higher humidity, and the addition of tint will prolong the dry and cure time of the product12.

8. Can Rustins One Coat Damp Seal be Used in High-Humidity Areas Like Bathrooms?

Absolutely, Rustins One Coat Damp Seal is specially formulated to excel in high-humidity conditions like bathrooms. Its oil-based nature provides a durable, moisture-resistant layer that serves as a robust barrier against mould and dampness.

9. What's the Best Way to Store These Products?

Proper storage is essential to maintain the efficacy of these products. Keep them in a cool, dry place, shielded from direct sunlight. Make sure the lids are tightly sealed to avoid drying out or spoilage. Also, for safety reasons, keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

10. Can I Consult with a Daly’s Hardware Expert for a More Tailored Mould-Treatment Plan?

Yes, our experts at Daly's Hardware in Limerick City are more than willing to offer personalised advice. Whether you have unique architectural features that are mould-prone or specific health concerns to consider, we can help tailor a mould treatment plan that aligns with your circumstances.

Further Reading and Next Steps

You're now armed with in-depth knowledge and tools to tackle mould issues in your home effectively. But the learning shouldn't stop here. Below is a list of credible resources for those who wish to explore the subject further: Environmental Protection Agency Ireland - A detailed report highlighting how indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air due to mould spores. Irish Health and Safety Authority - Guidelines on controlling indoor mould growth through proper building design, maintenance, and environmental control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - A comprehensive FAQ section about mould, including health risks and remediation techniques. UK Health and Safety Executive - Guidance on the health risks of mould and how to control it. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - A comprehensive guide to mould, including remediation instructions for both homeowners and professionals. World Health Organization (WHO) - A fact sheet detailing household air pollution and its health risks, including those posed by mould.

If you find mould to be a persistent issue or need more tailored advice, we welcome you to stop by our store in William St Limerick. Our team of experts is on standby to help you navigate the myriad of options available for mould treatment. Your home should be a sanctuary, and we're here to ensure it stays that way. Thank you for reading our comprehensive guide on treating mould. We hope you found it useful and encourage you to act now—because mould waits for no one. See you at Daly's Hardware!